Clinical Services

Special needs adult eating dinner and happy

Clinical Services

In Hamilton, Niagara, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk Regions, Bethesda’s Adult Clinical Services provides comprehensive person-centred assessments, treatments, consults, and educational and training opportunities. You can access these services through Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).

The Clinical Services multi-disciplinary team includes Psychometrists, Occupational Therapists, Speech & Language Pathologists, Social Workers, and Behaviour Consultants. We are working towards becoming a Trauma-Informed Agency.  The team works collaboratively with the individual and their support by offering a variety of services:

  • We offer the following Mental Health and Wellness services:

    Mental Health Counselling/Psychotherapy

    Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

    Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

    Health Counselling

    Wellness through art and/or play

    Sex Therapy

    Trauma Treatment and Counselling

    Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)

    Socio-Sexual Education and Consultation

    Individual Counselling/Consultation

    Educational Workshops

    Bereavement Support

    Let’s Talk Group


    Individual support

    Grief Counselling

    Mental Health and Wellness Therapy Groups and Workshops

    MAP (Mapping My Body and Emotions)

    Wonder of Me

    Anxiety and Depression

    Wellness Through Art

    Caregiver Support Groups

    Urgent Mental Health and Wellness Support

    Every Tuesday between 9:00am-5:00pm (currently Niagara only)

  • * Not accessed through DSO.

    We provide an internal referral from another clinician.

    We offer consultation with individuals, family, clinical teams, community agencies, and partners.

    We provide the assessment.

    We create an Individualized Service Plan.

  • * All SLP services begin with the Introduction to Services - SLP Orientation Workshop.

    We will offer the Introduction to Services – SLP Orientation Workshop.

    We provide the assessment and development of an individualized service plan.

    We offer Caregiver Training.

    We offer the ability to do this within Groups.

  • In some cases, an assessment may be required to determine developmental or intellectual disability.

    Referral from DSO to determine eligibility to Developmental Services.

  • We will engage people through an initial consultation, and support may include:

    Complex Behaviour Support Plans.

    Positive supports and Preventative Strategies.

    Intensive Behaviour Supports – intended for individuals with complex needs requiring intensive programming within-group living settings.

    Behaviour Support Revision Clinics.

    Skill Building Groups.

    Professional Consultations.


    Partnerships: Safe Bed program at CMHA Niagara; supports Niagara Health.

  • We work collaboratively with you to identify your unique clinical needs and develop clear goals of support.

    We offer individual partnerships that provide direct clinical support to foster wellness and resiliency skills.

    We deliver a variety of engaging and interactive groups that focus on building life skills.