COVID-19 Measures Update - February 2022

To the individuals we support, their families, and our community partners,

Given the improvement seen provincially and within the Niagara Region with COVID-19 and the Omicron variant over the last few weeks, I am pleased to announce the following program updates:

Day Activities

Effective monday, FEbruary 28, Day Activities will resume for those individuals living within the Familyhome program.


In conjunction with Public Health, a plan is being developed to enable the safe reopening of Adult Respite

Children’s Services

We are working with Public Health for thes afe resumption fo group services in the near future.

While the pandemic is still present and we must all remain vigilant, the accelerated rollout of the provincial reopening plan provides new optimism for a future where COVID-19 is no longer the concern that it has ben. Your patience and understanding throughout this time has been, and continues to be, greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please continue to talk to your Bethesda contact for details on your personal services, or let us know at


Brian Davies,

Chief Executive Officer

If you require documents in a different format, please contact 905.684.6918 ext. 266.