Meet the Mental Health Services Team

  • Sarah Philbrick-Djerfi

    Registered Social Worker

  • Mandy Lutczyn

    Registered Social Worker

  • Maggie Lewis

    Registered Social Worker

  • Christine Nelson

    Registered Nurse

The Mental Health Services team will work with you to develop a holistic plan for services. Collaboratively identifying your individual goals will be the first step to increase your mental well-being and live a healthier lifestyle!

What we do:


A clinician will meet with you to complete a biopsychosocial assessment. A treatment plan will be created in collaboration with you and the clinician.


Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy in which one or more clinicians meet with several people at the same time to discuss common concerns. Currently groups are being held virtually and include both social and psycho-educational groups.

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling is a treatment approach for mental health issues and emotional difficulties. Counselling focuses on strategies for promoting wellness. Counselling aims to increase insight and teach how to effectively overcome problems and challenges.

Caregiver Support

As a caregiver, you will have the opportunity to participate in a caregiver support group. The mental health team can also provide education regarding diagnosis and/or strategies to support someone with a mental illness.

Visit Clinical Services to learn more.